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Anlin's Glazing Systems Lead the Industry


Anlin's Del Mar and Catalina series windows and Malibu patio doors are available in two industry-leading glazing systems: QuadraTherm and Infinite Plus. Both use proprietary technology exclusive to Anlin products. Both offer the highest levels of strength, durability and energy savings available.





Performance is in the Glazing System


The materials and technology that make up a dual pane window unit are called a "glazing system." The more advanced your window's glazing system, the better the insulation performance, and the less energy is needed to heat and cool your home. Would you like to reduce your energy bills and help the environment at the same time? Choose windows with a better glazing system. Choose Anlin.

Saving energy is a science

And Anlin's science leads the industry.

Your One Stop Shop for Window Replacement


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